Nexo documentation

This document contains information about data structure of NEXO protocol, as well as examples of requests and responses.
Version of NEXO Sale Protocol to which this documentation refers is 3.1.

IMPORTANT: Before using the NEXO, please check whether the terminal protocol is set to NEXO in the Settings -> Transaction settings -> ECR protocol.

Version control

Version of this documentation is 2.11.

Version Date Changes Author
2.0 28.11.2022 Creation of documentation version 2.0 ML
2.1 14.12.2022 Tweak of kotlin intent call example ML
2.2 05.01.2023 Rework of kotlin intent call example ML
2.3 10.01.2023 Added more detailed explanation of SignatureRequired parameter in ProprietaryTags (in Payment response) ML
2.4 11.01.2023 Added second example of calling POI in Java using registerForActivityResult ML
2.5 19.04.2023 Added description of asynchronous call method of POI ML
2.6 20.04.2023 Added MerchantDisplayOutput to the TransactionStatusResponse ML
2.7 01.06.2023 Added additional description for SaleId, POIID, MessageClass. FAQ section added ML
2.8 16.11.2023 Fix of payment request schema - VariableSymbol was missing in ProprietaryTags ML
2.9 18.03.2024 Fix of duplicit chapers. Added mock responses info in the Error handling section and FAQ ML
2.10 18.03.2024 Added Tip transaction type in reconciliation (from payment app version 4.10.0) ML
2.11 09.04.2024 Added information about Intent launch of payment app (queries tag needs to be added to AndroidManifest in Android 11+) ML


ECR Electronic cash register
POS Point of Sale. This is the cash register (ECR), AKA Sale system. This term may refer to the hardware or the software of the POS.
POI Point of Interaction. This is the payment terminal, AKA PED.
PED PIN Entry Device. Same as POI.
NEXO A standard protocol for communication between POS and POI. See
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol.The Nexo messages will be sent using HTTP over TCP.
POIID String that identifies POI. Generally we are using TID
TID Terminal identifier - string identifier assigned by card acquirer to the merchant
SN Serial Number. String that uniquely identifies terminal (physical device)

Communication protocol

There are 3 ways POS can communicate with the POI:


Default port of NEXO HTTP service on POI is 7500.

Please ensure that the the devices (POS and POI) are on the same network before testing.

Each HTTP request must contain following headers:

Content-Length: <the length of the JSON request string (the HTTP body)>
Authorization: Basic base64(<username>:<password>)


Content-Length: 1024
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz


Authentication of caller is performed by HTTP Basic Authentication. For more information about HTTP Basic authentication, please visit this site.

Example of HTTP Authentication header:

Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz

Kotlin example of HTTP NEXO call:

val ip = ""
val port = 7500
val auth = "dXNlcjpwYXNz"
val url = URL("http://$ip:$port")  
try {  
    val connection = url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection 
    this.httpConnection = connection  
    connection.requestMethod = "POST"  
    connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic $auth")  
    connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json")  
    connection.doInput = true  
    connection.doOutput = true  
    connection.connectTimeout = 1000  
    connection.readTimeout = 60_000  
    val os = connection.outputStream  
    val response = connection.inputStream.readBytes()  
	//TODO process response
} catch (e: IOException) {  
    //TODO Process error

Android Intent call

If POI and POS are installed on the same Android device, you can call the POI using Android Intent. The authentication in this case is not required.

To obtain package name of payment application, please contact

Kotlin example:

First step is to register for activity result.
IMPORTANT: you need to call registerForActivityResult() before the Fragment or Activity is created. In case of Fragment the last method you can call registerForActivityResult() is onViewCreated() (For more information see Fragment lifecycle). In case of Activity you need to call it in onCreate().

activityResultLauncher = registerForActivityResult(
) { activityResult ->  
  val nexoResponse = activityResult?.data?.getStringExtra("NEXO_RESPONSE")  
    if(nexoResponse != null) {  
        //TODO process NEXO response  
  } else {  
        //TODO process error state  

You can then use activityResultLauncher to launch the Intent when necessary.
IMPORTANT: you cannot launch the ActivityResultLauncher until the fragment or activity’s Lifecycle has reached CREATED
IMPORTANT: Since Android 11 there is a behavior change that some apps will not provide info via getLaunchIntentForPackage() unless you add queries tag to the AndroidManifest like this:

       <package android:name="" />


val intent = context.packageManager.getLaunchIntentForPackage("<package name>")  
if(intent != null) {  
    intent.putExtra("NEXO_REQUEST", gson.toJson(nexoRequest))  
    intent.flags = 0  
} else {  
    //TODO payment app was not found  

Java example 1:

The old way of launching Intent. You may get a warning that startActivityForResult is deprecated. If this is problem for you, please follow instructions of Java example 2

IMPORTANT: Since Android 11 there is a behavior change that some apps will not provide info via getLaunchIntentForPackage() unless you add queries tag to the AndroidManifest like this:

       <package android:name="" />


final Intent intent = context.getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("<package name>");
if(intent != null) {
	intent.putExtra("NEXO_REQUEST", gson.toJson(nexoRequest));
} else {
	//TODO payment app was not found

You will receive response in the onActivityResult:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
	super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);  
	if(requestCode == REQUEST_CODE && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && data != null) {
		String response = data.getStringExtra("NEXO_RESPONSE");
		if(response != null) {
			//TODO process response
		} else {
			//TODO process error
	} else {

Java example 2:
The new way of launching Intent consists of multiple steps. First step is to register for activity result.
IMPORTANT: you need to call registerForActivityResult() before the Fragment or Activity is created. In case of Fragment the last method you can call registerForActivityResult() is onViewCreated() (For more information see Fragment lifecycle). In case of Activity you need to call it in onCreate().

activityResultLauncher = registerForActivityResult(  
        new ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult(),  
		activityResult -> {
			if(activityResult == null) {
				//TODO process error
			final Intent data = activityResult.getData();  
			if(data == null) {
				//TODO process error
			 final String nexoResponse = data.getStringExtra("NEXO_RESPONSE");
			 if (nexoResponse == null) {  
				//TODO process error
			} else {    
				//TODO process NEXO response

You can then use activityResultLauncher to launch the Intent when necessary.
IMPORTANT: you cannot launch the ActivityResultLauncher until the fragment or activity’s Lifecycle has reached CREATED
IMPORTANT: Since Android 11 there is a behavior change that some apps will not provide info via getLaunchIntentForPackage() unless you add queries tag to the AndroidManifest like this:

       <package android:name="" />


Intent intent = getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("<package name>");  
if(intent != null) {  
	intent.putExtra("NEXO_REQUEST", request);  
} else {  
	//TODO payment app was not found

Cloud (Payment Middleware) call

If you want the POS to communicate with POI on different networks, you can use cloud call of our Portal. For more information about this method, please contact

Cloud call of POI requires Launcher app to be installed on terminal


Communication between POS (ECR) and POI (payment terminal) is always initiated by POS.
There are 2 ways of communication:

  1. Synchronous - connection is opened until response is sent back, or connection is broken:

For information about how to handle communication errors, please refer to the Error handling chapter.

POSPOINEXO JSON requestProcess requestNEXO JSON responsePOSPOI
  1. Asynchronous - request is sent to POI and connection is closed by POS. POS is then querying the POI for the status of the transaction (via TransactionStatusRequest), until transaction is finished.

If you want to show transaction status message to the merchant (i.e. when the POI faces customer and merchant cannot see it), the TransactionStatusResponse contains (starting from version 3.35.2 of Payment app) MerchantDisplayOutput string about status of the transaction on the POI (i.e. “Waiting for card”, “Insert PIN”, “Sending data to host”).

POSPOINEXO JSON requestclose connectionTransactionStatusRequestTransactionStatusResponseloop[i.e. every 1s]POSPOI

NEXO message structure

Each NEXO request and response contains MessageHeader object.

"MessageHeader": {
	"MessageCategory": "Payment",
	"MessageClass": "Service",
	"MessageType": "Request",
	"POIID": "TID001",
	"ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
	"SaleID": "123456",
	"ServiceID": "62052376-280f-47d2-a012-729b2f814791"

IMPORTANT: Service ID must be unique for the message pair. It is recommended to use UUID as ServiceID

All of the fields in MessageHeader are mandatory in both request and response.
Meaning of header fields:

Since version 3.35.0, the Payment app contains Content provider, which allows you to get current TID, and also list of available TIDs (if multimerchant is supported). You can find more detailed information here.

SaleID is used mainly for debugging - if you receive issue report containing request/response JSON, you can identify specific ECR/POS using SaleID


Structure of NEXO request is as follows:

	"SaleToPOIRequest": {
		"MessageHeader": {

The content of the request depends on what the MessageCategory is.

Payment (Sale/Refund)

Request is initiated by POS with intent to start payment transaction - either sale, or refund.

POSPOIUserAuthorization hostPaymentRequestStart transactionPresent cardInsert PIN (if needed)Authorize transactionAuthorization responsePaymentResponsePOSPOIUserAuthorization host


Detailed request JSON schema is here.
Payment request must contain PaymentRequest object.


In sale payment request the object PaymentData is optional. If the PaymentData object is not part of the message, POI will treat it as a sale request. Example of payment sale request:

	"SaleToPOIRequest": {
		"MessageHeader": {
			"MessageCategory": "Payment",
			"MessageClass": "Service",
			"MessageType": "Request",
			"POIID": "TID001",
			"ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
			"SaleID": "123456",
			"ServiceID": "62052376-280f-47d2-a012-729b2f814791"
		"PaymentRequest": { /* mandatory */
			"PaymentData": { /* PaymentData is optional in case of sale payment request */
				"PaymentType": "Normal" /* optional */
			"PaymentTransaction": { /* mandatory */
				"AmountsReq": { /* mandatory */
					"Currency": "EUR", /* mandatory */
					"RequestedAmount": 14.0, /* mandatory */
					"TipAmount": 1.0 /* optional */
			"SaleData": { /* mandatory */
				"SaleTransactionID": { /* mandatory */
					"TimeStamp": "2021-11-23T15:53:08.303+0100", /* mandatory */
					"TransactionID": "8c9c7cbf-abdd-447d-ac74-c88efc6809fa" /* mandatory */


In refund payment request the object PaymentData is mandatory, otherwise POI will treat it as a sale request. Example of payment refund request:

	"SaleToPOIRequest": {
		"MessageHeader": {
			"MessageCategory": "Payment",
			"MessageClass": "Service",
			"MessageType": "Request",
			"POIID": "TID001",
			"ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
			"SaleID": "123456",
			"ServiceID": "62052376-280f-47d2-a012-729b2f814791"
		"PaymentRequest": { /* mandatory */
			"PaymentData": { /* mandatory */
				"PaymentType": "Refund" /* mandatory */
			"PaymentTransaction": { /* mandatory */
				"AmountsReq": { /* mandatory */
					"Currency": "EUR", /* mandatory */
					"RequestedAmount": 14.0 /* mandatory */
			"SaleData": { /* mandatory */
				"SaleTransactionID": { /* mandatory */
					"TimeStamp": "2021-11-23T15:53:08.303+0100", /* mandatory */
					"TransactionID": "8c9c7cbf-abdd-447d-ac74-c88efc6809fa" /* mandatory */


Detailed response JSON schema is here.
Response contains result of transaction.
The transaction is considered successful only when the parameter PaymentResponse.Response.Result has value “Success”, otherwise, the transaction failed.

Brief description of structure of PaymentResponse (for more detailed information, please refer to the JSON schema here):

Response example:

	"SaleToPOIResponse": {
		"MessageHeader": {
			"MessageCategory": "Payment",
			"MessageClass": "Service",
			"MessageType": "Response",
			"POIID": "TID001",
			"ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
			"SaleID": "123456",
			"ServiceID": "62052376-280f-47d2-a012-729b2f814791"
		"PaymentResponse": {
			"PaymentResult": {
				"AmountsResp": {
					"AuthorizedAmount": 14.0,
					"Currency": "EUR"
				"PaymentInstrumentData": {
					"CardData": {
						"EntryMode": "ContactlessEMV",
						"MaskedPan": "45##-####-####-6126"
					"PaymentInstrumentType": "Card"
				"PaymentType": "Normal",
				"ProprietaryTags": {
					"Aid": "A0000000031010",
					"ApplicationName": "Visa Debit",
					"AuthorizationCode": "123456",
					"Brand": "VISA",
					"CardPresentationMethod": "CLESS",
					"ReceiptDate": "2021-11-23T15:53:28.110+0100",
					"SequenceNumber": "1234567890",
					"SignatureRequired": false,
					"TerminalId": "TID001"
			"POIData": {
				"POITransactionID": {
					"TimeStamp": "2021-11-23T15:53:28.110+0100",
					"TransactionID": "99523506-e118-4dc0-9132-b18bf8b1040d"
			"Response": {
				"Result": "Success"
			"SaleData": {
				"SaleTransactionID": {
					"TimeStamp": "2021-11-23T15:53:08.303+0100",
					"TransactionID": "8c9c7cbf-abdd-447d-ac74-c88efc6809fa"
			"PaymentReceipt": [
					"DocumentQualifier": "CustomerReceipt",
					"OutputContent": {
						"OutputFormat": "Text",
						"OutputText": [
								"Text": "--------------------------------"
								"Text": "24.11.2022   08:58:49           "
								"Text": "Receipt number: 3"
								"Text": "--------------------------------"
								"Text": ""
								"Text": ""
								"Text": ""
								"Text": ""
								"Text": "IČO:"
								"Text": "--------------------------------"
								"Text": "TID:TID001"
								"Text": "Karta:45##-####-####-6126       "
								"Text": "                Visa Contactless"
								"Text": "AID: A0000000031010             "
								"Text": "Visa Debit                      "
								"Text": " "
								"Text": " "
								"Text": "Predaj"
								"Text": "14.00 EUR"
								"Text": " "
								"Text": " "
								"Text": "Autorizačný kód: 123456         "
								"Text": "Sekvenčné číslo: 1234567890     "
								"Text": " "
								"Text": "--------------------------------"
								"Text": " "
								"Text": " "
					"RequiredSignatureFlag": false
					"DocumentQualifier": "CashierReceipt",
					"OutputContent": {
						"OutputFormat": "Text",
						"OutputText": [
								"Text": "--------------------------------"
								"Text": "24.11.2022   08:58:49           "
								"Text": "Receipt number: 3"
								"Text": "--------------------------------"
								"Text": ""
								"Text": ""
								"Text": ""
								"Text": ""
								"Text": "IČO:"
								"Text": "--------------------------------"
								"Text": "TID:TID001"
								"Text": "Karta:45##-####-####-6126       "
								"Text": "                Visa Contactless"
								"Text": "AID: A0000000031010             "
								"Text": "Visa Debit                      "
								"Text": " "
								"Text": " "
								"Text": "Predaj"
								"Text": "14.00 EUR"
								"Text": " "
								"Text": " "
								"Text": "Autorizačný kód: 123456         "
								"Text": "Sekvenčné číslo: 1234567890     "
								"Text": " "
								"Text": "--------------------------------"
								"Text": " "
								"Text": " "
								"Text": "Kópia"
								"Text": " "
								"Text": " "
					"RequiredSignatureFlag": false


Request is initiated by POS with intent to start reversal of previous payment transaction.


Detailed request JSON schema is here.

Brief description of structure of ReversalRequest (for more detailed information, please refer to the JSON schema here):


	"SaleToPOIRequest": {
		"MessageHeader": {
			"MessageCategory": "Reversal",
			"MessageClass": "Service",
			"MessageType": "Request",
			"POIID": "TID001",
			"ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
			"SaleID": "123456",
			"ServiceID": "338c63c5-74b2-4f13-a0d3-99fe81452d0a"
		"ReversalRequest": {
			"OriginalPOITransaction": {
				"POITransactionID": {
					"TransactionID": "99523506-e118-4dc0-9132-b18bf8b1040d"
			"ReversalReason": "CustCancel"


Detailed response JSON schema is here.

The reversal is considered successful only in case the ReversalResponse.Response.Result value is “Success”


    "SaleToPOIResponse": {
        "MessageHeader": {
            "MessageCategory": "Reversal",
            "MessageClass": "Service",
            "MessageType": "Response",
            "POIID": "TID001",
            "ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
            "SaleID": "123456",
            "ServiceID": "338c63c5-74b2-4f13-a0d3-99fe81452d0a"
        "ReversalResponse": {
            "POIData": {
                "POITransactionID": {
                    "TimeStamp": "2021-11-23T16:28:36.910Z",
                    "TransactionID": "a460791c-a002-4843-a3ca-12e046221eb4"
            "Response": {
                "Result": "Success"

Transaction Status

Request is initiated by POS with intent to retrieve status of previous or ongoing transaction.


Detailed request JSON schema is here.
To retrieve information about transaction, you can use either


    "SaleToPOIRequest": {
        "MessageHeader": {
            "MessageCategory": "TransactionStatus",
            "MessageClass": "Service",
            "MessageType": "Request",
            "POIID": "TID001",
            "ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
            "SaleID": "123456",
            "ServiceID": "22de8895-6271-480b-8735-a6ccd171951d"
        "TransactionStatusRequest": {
            "MessageReference": {
                "SaleID": "3d0e8d9a-9a39-4020-89b9-1654d1d913b4"


Detailed response JSON schema is here.
If the transaction on which the request refers is still ongoing, the POI will respond with ErrorCondition IN_PROGRESS:

	"SaleToPOIResponse": {
		"MessageHeader": {
			"MessageCategory": "TransactionStatus",
			"MessageClass": "Service",
			"MessageType": "Response",
			"POIID": "123456",
			"ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
			"SaleID": "ECR123456",
			"ServiceID": "3598d318-46f2-40df-bb83-713c57301fa7"
		"TransactionStatusResponse": {
			"Response": {
				"AdditionalResponse": "Transaction in progress",
				"ErrorCondition": "IN_PROGRESS",
				/* MerchantDisplayOutput added in version 3.35.2 of the Payment app */
				"MerchantDisplayOutput": "Odosielanie dát", 
				"Result": "Failure"

If transaction is not found, the POI will respond with ErrorCondition INVALID_TRN_REFERENCE:

	"SaleToPOIResponse": {
		"MessageHeader": {
			"MessageCategory": "TransactionStatus",
			"MessageClass": "Service",
			"MessageType": "Response",
			"POIID": "TID001",
			"ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
			"SaleID": "123456",
			"ServiceID": "f1573d2d-7b44-438b-aac9-90c3408685e8"
		"TransactionStatusResponse": {
			"Response": {
				"AdditionalResponse": "Invalid transaction reference",
				"ErrorCondition": "INVALID_TRN_REFERENCE",
				"Result": "Failure"

If the the transaction is found, the POI will respond with success, and the message contains RepeatedMessageResponse:

    "SaleToPOIResponse": {
        "MessageHeader": {
            "MessageCategory": "TransactionStatus",
            "MessageClass": "Service",
            "MessageType": "Response",
            "POIID": "TID001",
            "ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
            "SaleID": "123456",
            "ServiceID": "22de8895-6271-480b-8735-a6ccd171951d"
        "TransactionStatusResponse": {
            "RepeatedMessageResponse": {
                "MessageHeader": {
                    "MessageCategory": "Payment",
                    "MessageClass": "Service",
                    "MessageType": "Response",
                    "POIID": "TID001",
                    "ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
                    "SaleID": "123456",
                    "ServiceID": "d2243162-65aa-42c6-a6e1-3ae076bb5218"
                "RepeatedResponseMessageBody": {
                    "PaymentResponse": {
                        "POIData": {
                            "POITransactionID": {
                                "TimeStamp": "2021-11-24T12:13:46.811Z",
                                "TransactionID": "0fdfad94-73d8-4a7f-8035-412fe2d5eac2"
                        "PaymentResult": {
                            "AmountsResp": {
                                "AuthorizedAmount": 5.0,
                                "Currency": "EUR"
                            "PaymentInstrumentData": {
                                "CardData": {
                                    "EntryMode": "Contactless",
                                    "MaskedPan": "44##-####-####-6218"
                                "PaymentInstrumentType": "Card"
                            "PaymentType": "Normal",
                            "ProprietaryTags": {
                                "Aid": "A0000000032010",
                                "ApplicationName": "VISA Prepaid",
                                "AuthorizationCode": "123456",
                                "Brand": "VISA",
                                "CardPresentationMethod": "CLESS",
                                "ReceiptDate": "2021-11-24T12:13:46.811Z",
                                "SequenceNumber": "1234567890",
                                "SignatureRequired": false,
                                "TerminalId": "TID001"
                        "Response": {
                            "Result": "Success"
                        "SaleData": {
                            "SaleTransactionID": {
                                "TimeStamp": "2021-11-24T12:13:46.362+0100",
                                "TransactionID": "3d0e8d9a-9a39-4020-89b9-1654d1d913b4"
            "Response": {
                "Result": "Success"

Reconciliation (settlement)

Request is initiated by POS with intent to start reconciliation (settlement).


Detailed request JSON schema is here.
There are 2 supported types of reconciliation:


    "SaleToPOIRequest": {
        "MessageHeader": {
            "MessageCategory": "Reconciliation",
            "MessageClass": "Service",
            "MessageType": "Request",
            "POIID": "TID001",
            "ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
            "SaleID": "123456",
            "ServiceID": "3830102f-86a0-4b96-b194-66c55bcfcdca"
        "ReconciliationRequest": {
            "ReconciliationType": "SaleReconciliation"


Detailed response JSON schema is here.

The response contains information about all the counters on the POI. PaymentInstrumentType is always Card

Section with Tips (ReconciliationResponse.TransactionTotals.PaymentTotals with TransactionType ‘Tip’) added in version 4.10.0 of the payment app


    "SaleToPOIResponse": {
        "MessageHeader": {
            "MessageCategory": "Reconciliation",
            "MessageClass": "Service",
            "MessageType": "Response",
            "POIID": "TID001",
            "ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
            "SaleID": "123456",
            "ServiceID": "3830102f-86a0-4b96-b194-66c55bcfcdca"
        "ReconciliationResponse": {
            "POIReconciliationID": 1,
            "ReconciliationType": "SaleReconciliation",
            "Response": {
                "Result": "Success"
            "TransactionTotals": [
                    "PaymentCurrency": "EUR",
                    "PaymentInstrumentType": "Card",
                    "PaymentTotals": [
                            "TransactionAmount": 6.0,
                            "TransactionCount": 1,
                            "TransactionType": "Debit"
                            "TransactionAmount": 0.0,
                            "TransactionCount": 0,
                            "TransactionType": "Credit" //Refund transactions
                            "TransactionAmount": 0.0,
                            "TransactionCount": 0,
                            "TransactionType": "OneTimeReservation" //Preauthorisation transactions
                            "TransactionAmount": 0.0,
                            "TransactionCount": 0,
                            "TransactionType": "CompletedReservation" //Preauthorisation completion transactions
                            "TransactionAmount": 0.0,
                            "TransactionCount": 0,
                            "TransactionType": "Failed"
                        { //added in version 4.10.0 of the payment app
                            "TransactionAmount": 0.0, //Amount of transaction with tip
                            "TransactionCount": 0, //Number of transactions with tip
                            "TransactionType": "Tip" //Transactions with tip


Request is initiated by POS with intent to get diagnostic data about state of POI.


Detailed request JSON schema is here.

In the request, you can set whether the POI should check connection to the authorization host in field HostDiagnosisFlag.


    "SaleToPOIRequest": {
        "MessageHeader": {
            "MessageCategory": "Diagnosis",
            "MessageClass": "Service",
            "MessageType": "Request",
            "POIID": "TID001",
            "ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
            "SaleID": "123456",
            "ServiceID": "168c5a30-3c76-4a1d-8cda-114c23d1709d"
        "DiagnosisRequest": {
            "HostDiagnosisFlag": true


Detailed response JSON schema is here.

The response contains following information:


    "SaleToPOIResponse": {
        "MessageHeader": {
            "MessageCategory": "Diagnosis",
            "MessageClass": "Service",
            "MessageType": "Response",
            "POIID": "TID001",
            "ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
            "SaleID": "123456",
            "ServiceID": "168c5a30-3c76-4a1d-8cda-114c23d1709d"
        "DiagnosisResponse": {
            "HostStatus": {
                "IsReachableFlag": true
            "POIStatus": {
                "CardReaderOKFlag": true,
                "CommunicationOKFlag": true,
                "GlobalStatus": "OK",
                "PEDOKFlag": true,
                "PoiReady": true,
                "PrinterOKFlag": true
            "Response": {
                "Result": "Success"

Administration request

Request is initiated by POS with intent to reboot the device.


Detailed request JSON schema is here.


	"SaleToPOIRequest": {
		"MessageHeader": {
			"SaleID": "123456",
			"MessageClass": "Service",
			"POIID": "TID001",
			"ServiceID": "168c5a30-3c76-4a1d-8cda-114c23d1709d",
			"MessageType": "Request",
			"ProtocolVersion": "1.0",
			"MessageCategory": "Admin"
		"AdminRequest": {
			"ServiceIdentification": "Reboot"


The response is not specified. In case of successful request, the terminal will start rebooting.

Error handling

This chaper describes, how the error states should be handled.

Application errors

In general the NEXO request can end successfully or with an error. If request was successful, the NEXO response will contain “Result”: “Success” in Response object.

In case of failure, the NEXO response will contain “Result”: “Failure” in Response object. In this case, the response will also contain:


	"SaleToPOIResponse": {
		"MessageHeader": {
			"MessageCategory": "Payment",
			"MessageClass": "Service",
			"MessageType": "Response",
			"POIID": "TID001",
			"ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
			"SaleID": "123456",
			"ServiceID": "168c5a30-3c76-4a1d-8cda-114c23d1709d"
		"PaymentResponse": {
			"Response": {
				"AdditionalResponse": "Requested Transaction ID (191919191235) already exists",
				"ErrorCondition": "TRN_ALREADY_EXISTS",
				"Result": "Failure"

Invalid JSON

If the request message is not a valid JSON, the POI will respond with the following

HTTP body:

[“Bad JSON:[line]: [message]”] where [line] and [message] will contain the details of the error.

Invalid NEXO request

If the request message is valid JSON but not a valid NEXO request, a response generated according to NEXO specification.


	"SaleToPOIResponse": {
		"MessageHeader": {
			"SaleID": "123456",
			"MessageClass": "Service",
			"POIID": "TID001",
			"ServiceID": "168c5a30-3c76-4a1d-8cda-114c23d1709d",
			"MessageType": "Response",
			"ProtocolVersion": "3.1",
			"MessageCategory": "Payment"
		"PaymentResponse": {
			"Response": {
				"Result": "Failure",
				"ErrorCondition": "MESSAGE_FORMAT_ERROR",
				"AdditionalResponse": "At top level,field SaleTOPOIRequest: Missing"

Connection errors

During transaction processing, the connection between POS and POI could be lost at any time.

IMPORTANT: If the connection between POS and POI is lost without response reaching POS, the POS is responsible to call TransactionStatus request to obtain the result of the transaction


POSPOIPaymentRequestProcessing transactionConnection lostTransaction completedTrasactionStatusRequestTransactionStatusResponsePOSPOI

ErrorCondition enumeration

In the following table is a list of possible values, which caller may expect.

Value Description
MESSAGE_FORMAT_ERROR Request message has invalid format. For example, some mandatory fields of request are missing.
DEVICE_OUT_OF_ORDER Device is not ready to process request. For example due to maintenance.
UNAVAILABLE_DEVICE The hardware is not available
NOT_ALLOWED A service request is sent during a Service dialogue. A combination of services not possible to provide. During the CardReaderInit message processing, the user has entered a card which has to be protected by the POI, and cannot be processed with this device request from the external, and then the Sale System.
UNAVAILABLE_SERVICE The service is not available (not implemented, not configured, protocol version too old…)
LOGGED_OUT Not logged in
BUSY The system is busy, try later
ABORTED The Initiator of the request has sent an Abort message request, which was accepted and processed.
CANCELLED The user has aborted the transaction on the PED keyboard, for instance during PIN entering.
IN_PROGRESS The transaction is still in progress and then the command cannot be processed
INSERTED_CARD If the Input Device request a NotifyCardInputFlag and the Customer enters a card in the card reader without answers to the Input command, the POI abort the Input command processing, and answer a dedicated ErrorCondition value in the Input response message.
UNREACHABLE_HOST Acquirer or any host is unreachable or has not answered to an online request, so is considered as temporary unavailable. Depending on the Sale context, the request could be repeated (to be compared with “Refusal”).
REFUSAL The transaction is refused by the host or the rules associated to the card, and cannot be repeated.
INVALID_CARD The card entered by the Customer cannot be processed by the POI because this card is not configured in the system
PAYMENT_RESTRICTION Some sale items are not payable by the card proposed by the Customer.
WRONG_PIN The user has entered the PIN on the PED keyboard and the verification fails.
CARD_REMOVED_PREMATURELY User removed card before card operation finished.
CARD_READ_TIMEOUT Timeout for card reading expired.
LICENSE_EXPIRED License of application is expired.
CURRENCY_INVALID Unknown currency code in request.
CURRENCY_DOES_NOT_MATCH_MERCHANT Merchant does not support requested currency.
TRN_ALREADY_EXISTS Transaction with specified TransactionID already exists.
REVERSAL_NO_REVERSIBLE_TRN No reversible transaction was found.
NO_TRN_FOUND The transaction is not found (e.g. for a reversal or a repeat)
INVALID_TRN_REFERENCE Message reference for transaction status operation is missing

Testing NEXO errors

Starting from version 3.36.0, you can simulate various response codes, when the app is in the MOCK mode. For more info see this link.


Q: Can ServiceID and TransactionID be the same?
A: In general, yes. However, it is not recommended, because they serve different purpose.

Q: Can I test the NEXO responses somehow?
A: Starting from version 3.36.0, you can simulate various response codes, when the app is in the MOCK mode. For more info see this link.